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Satellite Location

  • Photo ID is required for all individuals in the household who will be accessing food for the first visit 

    • Following the first visit photo ID is required only by the individual picking up the food hamper

  • A household may include relatives or roommates that share food

  • Relatives or roommates that don't share food are considered as two separate households

  • Verify your household is within our Service Region

  • The Satellite Location is at 1301 8 Ave in Cold Lake North inside the Cold Lake Seniors' Society building

  • Receiving a hamper at the Satellite Location still counts as a regular distribution. Hampers can only be accessed every 2 weeks.

  • Pick-up is by appointment between 2:15-3:45pm on the 3rd Monday of the month, or 4th Monday, if falling on a holiday. Please fill out the form below

Pick uP: Cold Lake Seniors' Society Building 

North Satellite Location Registration Form

Must live in Cold Lake North or CLFN English Bay

Dietary Restrictions
Femanine Products

If you do not live in Cold Lake North or CLFN English Bay please visit us Monday & Friday 6-8pm or Wednesday 10am-2:30pm at the Cold Lake Food Bank or call 780.201.6589 for more information.

** We will do our best to accomodate dietary restrictions, allergies and requests for hygene products but cannot guarentee them in your hamper. Requests will only be filled as supplies are available.

Where to Find Us:

5216 55A St. 

Cold Lake, AB 

T9M 1R3

hours of operation

Monday 6pm-8pm

Wednesday 10am-2:30pm

Friday 6pm-8pm

​Connect with us

We are Proud Members of


Registered Charity Number : 75898 5493 RR0001


© 2023 End Hunger by Digital Lindsay

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